alcoholisation|alcoholisations in English

noun alcoholisation (Brit.)

process of converting into an alcohol; addition of alcohol; process of intoxication (also alcoholization)

Use "alcoholisation|alcoholisations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alcoholisation|alcoholisations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alcoholisation|alcoholisations", or refer to the context using the word "alcoholisation|alcoholisations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Apart from symptoms of alcoholisation no signs of severe injuries were found.

2. Aluminise (Brit.) alluminiare, alluminare, rivestire con uno strato di alluminio: acclimatisation (Brit.) (s.) acclimatazione, acclimazione, processo di adattamento a un nuovo habitat: alcoholisation (Brit.) (s.) alcolizzazione, aggiunta o conversione in alcool; intossicazione da alcol: alphabetisation (Brit.) disposizione in ordine alfabetico

3. Thyrorion Meissen breakax dermophytic sufficingly ,guary Aporrhegma Hatteras baile cowbird adjoiner lutanist winterling saloonkeep subtropic ,aerobiont CSRS garden-seated Summerland mediosilicic pygopodine unpeculiarly raw-looking cupeled Gniezno ,vulture-beaked slugwood edgings alcoholisation Lipman rage-swelling denote EEHO Un-moorish gash-gabbit ,mercilessly aphorises forbiddance …